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Temple, Health Company to Create ‘Digital Dentistry’ Center

Temple, Health Company to Create ‘Digital Dentistry’ Center

A Philadelphia dental school has formed a partnership with a global health products company to create a new training site for current and future dentists.

Temple University’s Maurice H. Kornberg School of Dentistry and Henry Schein Inc. are collaborating to create the Henry Schein Digital Center of Excellence.

The center, expected to open within the next 12 months, is being designed to serve as a digital dentistry training hub for educating students, faculty and alumni about digital dentistry.

The cost of the proposed center is being kept confidential at this time.

Digital dentistry, under the broadest of definitions, refers to any dental technology or device that incorporates digital or computer-controlled components into patient care.

The center planned for Temple will feature equipment and products such as digital radiography, intraoral cameras and practice management software from Henry Schein (NASDAQ: HSIC) and its supply partners.

Henry Schein, a supplier of medical, dental and veterinary care products, is based in Melville, N.Y., and has offices in Philadelphia.

Amid Ismail, dean of the Kornberg School of Dentistry, said the goal of the private-public collaboration to “advance the skills and knowledge of current and future dentists in the new and rapidly emerging era of digital dentistry.”

Ismail said starting this fall, the predoctoral and postdoctoral clinics at the dental school will be offering a digital dentistry alternative to traditional restorative care.

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