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Caring for Your Invisalign Aligners

Caring for Your Invisalign Aligners

Are you receiving Invisalign treatment? Invisalign in New York City is a comfortable and convenient tooth straightening option for crooked teeth, gapped teeth, and other misalignment issues. While the clear plastic aligners that are part of Invisalign treatment can help you get the beautiful teeth you want, you must still take the proper precautions to keep them clean and damage-free. Dirty Invisalign aligners can compromise your smile if they trap and show food particles. If they are not cleaned on a regular basis, your aligners might also trigger oral health problems. The bacteria and food debris stuck on your aligners can combine to form plaque, which leads to tooth decay and periodontal disease. So to keep your smile healthy and bright, remove your aligners each time you eat and thoroughly scrub them each day with a non-abrasive cleaner. Your Invisalign dentist can recommend cleaning products and teach you how to properly wash your aligners. When your aligners are not in use, keep them safe by storing them in a hard-shelled case.

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