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7 Benefits of Digital Dental X-rays

7 Benefits of Digital Dental X-rays

Dental checkups often require X-rays, as imaging techniques can reveal what’s not available to the naked eye, including details about the dental roots, the gums, and the jaw. X-rays can reveal cavities that develop underneath fillings, infections between the gum and the tooth, and bone loss.

Below, we asked Dr. Kenn Kakosian, our expert, to share seven benefits of digital X-rays, one of the latest technologies in dental imaging. A digital X-ray:

  1. Improves image clarity 

Compared to traditional X-rays, digital X-rays produce images with better resolution, more clarity, and higher definition, which improves diagnostics. The images themselves can be either brightened or darkened to highlight small details. 

2. Saves time

Digital X-rays are almost immediately available for viewing, as they don’t require film images to imprint the image onto. In addition, the images can be sent via email to another specialist or stored electronically for future use. 

3. Eliminates the risk of losing the X-rays 

Digital images can be printed, but they can also be stored digitally. You don’t have to worry about losing your X-rays, nor do you have to worry about anything spilling on them or someone stealing them from your purse, as you can get them printed again. 

4. Provides a better understanding of the dental issue

Have you ever found yourself squinting your eyes while trying to follow what the specialist was explaining on an X-ray? Digital dental X-rays provide high-resolution images that can be enlarged without making everything look blurry. As a result, you’ll see all the details and get a better understanding of what’s going on inside your body. 

5. Eliminates the need for toxic waste 

Did you know that the substances used to develop traditional X-rays are toxic? By opting for digital X-rays, you’re also opting for a cleaner environment. 

6. Exposes patients to less radiation

Radiation has always been a worry for patients who need X-rays. Fortunately, digital X-rays come with 70% less radiation than conventional X-rays

7. Improves diagnostic abilities

A feature called subtraction radiography allows our experts to compare a pair of digital X-rays and subtract the distractions in the background, focusing only on the area where changes have occurred. This gives our experts a better view of how everything is progressing. 

Learn more about digital X-rays 

X-rays aren’t always needed. However, when they are, digital dental X-rays can help you get the minimum amount of radiation, high-quality imaging, and a more accurate diagnosis. Learn more about our X-ray services by contacting us and scheduling an appointment

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