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5 Reasons to Choose Invisalign®

 5 Reasons to Choose Invisalign®

If you weren’t born with a celebrity smile, you can still get one, and doing so has never been easier. Invisalign® comfortably and discreetly nudges your teeth into alignment with clear, smooth removable aligners.

At DentAlign NYC, located in the Midtown East section of New York, Cty, Kenn Kakosian, DDS, PhD. is an Invisalign® expert. Here he explains the 5 top reasons DentAlign patients choose Invisalign.

1. No metal brackets and wires

With Invisalign, there are no sharp and unsightly metal brackets and wires. 

Instead, the barely noticeable removal aligners are made of advanced materials that feature SmartTrack®, a patented material that coaxes your teeth gently but firmly, into the desired positions. Every few weeks, you receive a new set of aligners to your teeth moving in the right direction.

2. Hassle-free brushing and flossing

Because the aligners are removable, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy during the orthodontic process. Unlike metal braces, you can brush and floss regularly, ensuring that your teeth continue to sparkle as their alignment is straightened.

3. No dietary restrictions

Another perk of removable aligners is not giving up favorite foods, as is the case with traditional braces. Popcorn, corn on the corn, and chewing gum remain on the menu.

4. A comfortable fit

Invisalign aligners fit comfortably over your teeth without irritating your gums. With metal braces, patients often suffer irritation in the soft tissues inside their mouths as they rub against the sharp edges of the braces. Invisalign aligners are soft and feature a smooth surface that won’t cause any damage to sensitive areas in your mouth, like the insides of your cheeks.

5. A high-tech approach

Invisalign is designed to provide a seamless process from start to finish. We take painless, 3D digital scans of your teeth to formulate the best plan of attack from the get-go. There’s also a simulator that allows you to see your final results before you even get started, giving you a visual goal.

Invisalign can correct a wide range of smile flaws including;

These are just five of the many reasons patients of all ages love Invisalign. To learn more about Invisalign and whether it may be right for you, call our office to book a consultation, or request an appointment using the online tool.

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